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Immunization Rates

  1. Immunization Update. Stacy de Assis Matthews, School Law Coordinator, Oregon Immunization Program spoke at our Fall Kick-Off meeting.  As promised, she sent a summary and a few links, regarding SB 895:

    1. Old religious exemptions signed prior to March 2014 are no longer valid.  Schools are encouraged to contact parents this fall about the need for new documentation, or else these students will be considered incomplete and will get exclusion letters this winter.  A sample letter that schools can send to parents of children with old exemptions is available here:

    2. Schools need to make available immunization/exemption rates on their website.  Here are last year’s school immunization and exemption data for schools to link to (the school-by-school information begins about half way down the page under “School-level Immunization Data for Oregon”)

    3. More information about Senate Bill 895 can be found here: and here:

    4. If you have questions, here is her contact information:

Stacy de Assis Matthews School Law Coordinator Oregon Immunization Program

>800 NE Oregon St.,

Ste. 370 Portland, OR 97232

phone: 971-673-0528

fax: 971-673-0278


  1. Proficiency or Competency-Based Teaching and Learning At the Fall Kick-Off, I spoke about the emergence of Proficiency-Based Teaching and Learning (often called Competency-Based Teaching and Learning). It is being adopted at the college level; public schools, districts and states are adopting this approach and getting very good results, and creating a very competitive approach that is challenging private schools across the country. I wrote an article about this approach for AdvancEd’s Source online publication titled A New Paradigm - Putting All Students in the Driver's Seat It begins “Today’s students are more connected, more aware and more in touch than any earlier generation. They’re connected to technologies that personalize and empower independent learning. Developing skills to navigate the wealth of knowledge and resources available to them today; they often become their own best teacher. They learn to love learning again. We see this every day at the Delphian School; other proficiency-based programs report similar results. Students want schools that put them in the driver’s seat of their own educational journey. “From this perspective, schools must change from an early 20th century factory-model, group-batch approach (where time is the constant and learning is the variable) to a proficiency-based, independent-student model where learning is the constant and time is the variable. A proficiency-based educational program ensures success for all students by knowing that each student needs a different amount of time to learn and understand a subject. Proficiency-based programs let students progress through their academic studies at the pace that’s right for them, giving them time to fully understand what they’re studying before moving on. “Timed-based schools using a letter-grade system prevent students from restudying and mastering what they missed on exams. Ready or not, students must move on to new topics so that teachers can “cover it all.”  This creates many educational gaps and what Sal Khan calls a Swiss-cheese education–i.e., full of holes. The National Education Commission on Time and Learning’s “Prisoners of Time” report acknowledges that one major flaw in the system is the rule: “Learn what you can in the time we make available.” The report notes that “students are caught in a time trap–processed on an assembly line scheduled to the minute. Our usage of time virtually assures the failure of many students."

If you want more information:

  1. The single best book I recommend to everyone is Inevitable: Mass Customized Learning: Learning in the Age of Empowerment (New Edition) Paperback – May 30, 2012 by Charles Schwahn and Beatrice McGarvey. They have good site with additional information about Proficiency Education, and their newer book (to be read after Inevitable - Inevitable Too!: The Total Leader Embraces Mass Customized Learning.

  2. The best site to rapidly learn about this topic is Competency Works -

  3. I have extensive blogs on this subject at

  4. I compiled a short list of proficiency-education resources at:

  5. At the Delphian School we have educators from around the world come to see our program in operation, and all Oregon private schools educators are welcome to schedule a visit by contacting me at


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Proficiency-Ed References & Resources


(Here are references I use in my presentations, organized by type of reference, not the order of my presentations.  Many more references can be found  by searching for Proficiency-Based Education or Competency-Based Education or similar terms.)



Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education, Ken Robinson








Mark Siegel


Delphian School - and blogs/Thinking About Education

20950 SW Rock Creek Rd

Sheridan, OR  97378

For more information visit:


Oregon School Immunization and Exemption Data

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